Friday, April 6, 2012


Hello, and welcome to my new blog. It will take quite some time to get this thing up and running properly, but the intent is to provide readers with various musings of my experiences with wild birds, and to provide a glimpse into some of my birding adventures.

My life with birds began as a teenager, although my parent's insist that despite my apparent short-term, selective memory, I have had a general interest in wildlife since early childhood. Now, four decades into my life, birds are rooted deeply in my profession as a wildlife biologist.

Birding, and its process and purpose, has been multi-directional for me. At age 16 I had a general interest in learning more about local birds in my home city of Calgary, Alberta. By age 18 I was fully obsessed, and embraced the hobby, sport or obsession, whatever you want to call it, as much as I could. When I wasn't working, I was birding, and when I wasn't working or birding, I was either studying field guides, dialing in to rare bird alerts, or sleeping. I spent several years "chasing" birds, notably those reported to bird hot lines. Along the way I reported several of my own "rare" birds.

My story as a Birder and Biologist appears to be an interesting one. Or at least that's what family members, and a few friends with raised eyebrows, keep telling me. My reasons for writing this blog are two-fold: 1) simply to document my experiences before I become too old to remember, and; 2) to share my stories with like-minded people who may take the occasional pleasure in reading a post, and possibly sharing their comments.

As I stated at the beginning, welcome! Hope you enjoy watching this blog grow. In the meantime, happy birding wherever you may be.


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